Shareholder information
Working together for the long term
Frequently Asked Questions
You can register for a Shareview Portfolio at
To register you will need your 11-digit Shareholder Reference issued to you by Equiniti. This can be found on recent correspondence issued by Equiniti such as your welcome letter.
Once you have registered for a Shareview Portfolio, an activation code will be issued to you in the post which you will need to complete your registration.
If you change your address you must inform Equiniti.
You can update your UK address online via your Shareview Portfolio at Click on ‘Change my address’ in Quick Links and provide your new details.
See ‘How do I register for a Shareview Portfolio’ in these FAQs for more information on registering.
Further information can be found on the ‘Registering an address change’ page under Manage My Shares at or by contacting Equiniti.
To register a name change you will need to write to Equiniti. Further information on the details and supporting documentation required by them can be found on the ‘Register a Name Change’ page under Manage My Shares at or by contacting Equiniti.
Equiniti keeps a record of your name, address and the number of shares you own. If your certificates are lost, stolen or destroyed, Equiniti can arrange for the issue of duplicate certificates. Simply contact Equiniti as soon as you can, quoting your Shareholder Reference if possible. You may be charged an administration fee for this depending on the value of the share certificate. Once this is done, Equiniti will send you a duplicate certificate.
Equiniti’s Bereavement Team is available to provide help and practical support when a shareholder dies.
You can speak to the Bereavement Team by contacting Equiniti and selecting the Bereavement Team option. Further information, including a guide on what to do when a shareholder dies and the services that can support you are available from
You can register to receive company communications electronically via your Shareview Portfolio at Simply click ‘Update my communication preferences’ in the Quick Links section when you log into your Shareview Portfolio.
You may at some point wish to transfer your shares to someone else (for example, your spouse or partner or in an 'off market' sale). As these transactions usually do not involve a stockbroker, you can use a stock transfer form which can be obtained from Equiniti. Please complete and return to Equiniti along with your share certificate via registered post.
Where stamp duty is payable, the completed transfer form must be sent to a UK Inland Revenue Stamp Office and the duty paid before it can be forwarded to the Registrars.
Where stamp duty is not payable, you will need to complete the form fully, remembering to complete the stamp duty declaration on the reverse. The transfer form and share certificate (totalling at least the number of shares on the transfer) should be forwarded to Equiniti. Do not worry if the share certificates represent more shares than the transfer. If this is the case, Equiniti will send you a share certificate representing the balance.
For further information including any applicable fees, please visit the ‘Transfer certificated shares’ page under Manage My Shares on or contact Equiniti.
You can see your share balance online via your Shareview Portfolio which gives up to date information on balances, transactions and dividends paid. Please note that you will need your shareholder reference number to access this service.
This will be included on any personalised documentation Equiniti or Hampden & Co. plc sends you, including dividend confirmations and share certificates. The Shareholder Reference from Equiniti will be made up of 11 digits. You should quote this Shareholder Reference whenever you contact Equiniti to speed up the location of your account.
To receive your dividends directly into your bank account on dividend payment date, you will need to have provided your bank details. You can provide your bank details online via your Shareview Portfolio at You can also provide your nominated bank account details over the phone by contacting Equiniti.
Further information on having your dividends paid into your bank account can be found on the ‘Arrange direct dividend payments’ page under Manage My Shares on
The Hampden & Co Board
Simon Miller
Finlay Williamson
Caroline Taylor
David Huntley
Kaushalya Somasundaram
Angus Macpherson
Tracey Davidson
Jonathan Peake
2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our AGM was held at 2pm on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 9 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4DR.
Details of the meeting are available to download here.