Home At Hampden & Co, we provide private banking as it should be: approachable, accessible expertise delivered through loyal, long-lasting client relationsh...
Banking Banking Hampden & Co was set up to be unlike other banks. The kind of bank where we know you not as an account number, but as a person. Our banking ...
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Meet the Bankers
Meet the Bankers Meet the Bankers Your team in London Jeremy Vaughan mailto:contact@hampdenandco.com tel:020-3841-9922 Jeremy began his career with NatWest in 1...
Day to day banking
Day to day banking Current account Our current account is designed for all your day-to-day banking needs. Available in Sterling and most major currencies, it ca...
Borrowing Borrowing Financially successful people often have bespoke or complex financial requirements and value the service of a specialist banker. We work clo...
Deposits Depositing money Our deposit accounts help you to manage your money over the short, medium and long-term. Whether you’re depositing money to diversify ...
Shareholder information
Shareholder information Working together for the long term Shareholder information We have appointed Equiniti Limited to act as the registrar for our shareholde...