About Us
About Us About Us From our offices in London and Edinburgh, we offer banking expertise to personal and professional clients across the UK. Financially successfu...
Multi-property mortgages
Multi-property mortgages Multi-property mortgages Ease of administration Balancing LTVs Simplify portfolio growth Payment flexibility Inclusive affordability ev...
Holiday and Buy-to-let mortgages
Holiday and Buy-to-let mortgages Holiday and Buy-to-let mortgages When you are buying property and using it to generate an income, we can consider this income w...
Overdrafts Overdrafts Overdrafts are available for clients wishing to borrow money on a flexible basis, typically over the short-term. We offer unsecured overdr...
Self-build mortgages
Self-build mortgages Self-build mortgages Building your own dream home is a lifelong ambition for many people. We offer loans to people building a new residenti...
Sustainability Sustainability We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment and to making a positive contribution to the communities in which we li...
Exchange rate calculator
Exchange rate calculator Exchange rate calculator Currency Conversion Calculator View our exchange rates and how they compare to the latest European Central Ban...
Documents Documents Terms & Conditions Client Agreement and Terms & Conditions Guides Digital banking Card Management app activation Fees and charges Interest &...
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Card Transact FAQs
Card Transact FAQs How do I view my PIN? To view your card’s PIN, select the card in the app, followed by ‘Card PIN’ and enter the 3-digit security number on yo...